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Call to Action: Oppose California AB 2943 on Sexuality

California (Assembly Bill) AB 2943 would make it illegal to help a person experiencing same sex attraction or gender dysphoria.

We must do everything in our power to oppose this bill in California. AB 2943 would prevent counseling, educational resources, and many other forms of assistance for anyone struggling with same sex attraction or gender dysphoria.

This bill would make it illegal to assist someone who is seeking assistance in living a lifestyle consistent with their biology and religious practices.

If it became law, AB 2943 would further dismantle a clear understanding of human sexuality as male and female with the intent of marriage and family. The next step would be silencing an public dialogue on the topic as hate speech. This is a violation of free speech we already see taking place as YouTube has even banned my radio show Trending*’s videos where we deal with the science of gender ideology. (Listen here!)

California legislators cannot silence the people’s voice by taking away their religious liberty especially in the important work of counselors and churches.

The California Family Council has been proactive in opposing these measures in California and we must join them.

It won’t take long. Set aside 5 minutes!<!--more-->

Take these five steps NOW: Tell them to vote NO on Ab 2943. Talking points below!

  1. At the top of this page sign the message going to CA Senator Joel Anderson and CA Assembly member Marie Waldron.
  2. Briefly plug in your information and sign this letter to your senator 
  3. Ask your Church or an organization fax a signed letter opposing the bill. Here is a template letter provided by California Family Council 
  4. Call your senator and tell them to vote no on AB 2943. Find your senator’s number here.
  5. Now share and ask 5 other people to take these 5 steps

Here is what the California Family Council Says to say to your senator:

  • AB 2943 prevents adults from setting their own therapy goals.
  • AB 2943 violates the First Amendment by banning books and church events to help people live according to their faith.
  • AB 2943 uses threats of lawsuits and punitive damages under the consumer protection act to punish people for speaking about views the government doesn’t like.

Talking points from California Family Council:

  • People looking for change should be free to find services and resources from counselors, schools, and religious organizations to help them achieve their desired goals.
  • Politicians have no business telling people that their counseling goals are illegal.
  • By applying to any “transaction,” AB 2943 would prevent a counselor from helping an adult client explore all options to address questions over sexual orientation, an author from selling a book challenging gender identity ideology, and even a church from hosting a ticketed conference addressing issues of sexuality and identity.
  • It uses threats of lawsuits and punitive damages under the consumer protection act to punish speaking of views the government doesn’t like.
  • Politicians have no business denying people the freedom to find counseling and resources to help them find happiness or to shut down counselors, schools, and religious organization that provide those services.
  • Thirty years of research have failed to find a genetic or biological cause for the development of same-sex attractions. There’s no conclusive evidence – no DNA testing, no medical test finding – that science can point to proving someone is homosexual.
  • Faith traditions all agree: a person’s identity isn’t about sexual desires, but about the values a person chooses.

Learn More from the California Family Council 

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