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Book Timmerie
Why bring Timmerie to speak?
You will be equipped to engage in trending conversations with timeless principles grounded in truth and faith. Too many people have the faith, but lack the why behind their convictions. This has lead to generations of non-practicing Christians. In a modern culture where many find religion irrelevant and moral issues debatable it’s time the Catholic Church’s teaching is expressed clearly and concisely.
Our faith is reasonable and transcendent and science points to this. Timmerie seeks to communicate the transcendence of human dignity found in the Church and how social and scientific evidence agrees. This is true whether discussing who we are in relation to God or how religion fits into the dialogue of today’s hot-button issue.
Some of Timmerie’s regular presentations are listed below. With her MA in Biblical Theology and deep roots in Catholic morality/ethics Timmerie is ready to engage on a wide variety topics.
- ProLife Apologetics
- Marriage & Contraception
- Science & Beauty of Sexuality
- Abortion 101: The Child
- Abortion 101: the Woman
- Chaste Living in a Porn Culture
- Theology of the Body
- Faithful to the End: John the Beloved Disciple
- Peter the Courageous & Repentant
- Science of Sex: Chemicals & Hormones
- Tackling the Contraception Conversation
- Contraception, Meet My Catholic Faith
- Gender Ideology
- What is Marriage?
- Your Life & The New Evangelization
- Planned Parenthood Wants You
- Does God Make People Gay? (The Universal Call to Freedom & Chastity)
- Girls Session: Made in the Image of God
- Modesty a Virtue: Clothing & Speech
- Resurrection Companions: John 19&20
- Men: Called to Serve
- Parenting with Digital Integrity
- The Dignity of Work – Called to Serve
- Holy Confidence & Faithful Living
Saying No to the Pill and Yes to Commitment
As creatures made for so much more than what the world offers, women deserve to know how artificial birth control impacts both body and soul. In this presentation you’ll learn how the physical impact of contraception on a woman’s body leaves her vulnerable to serious health risks and a utilitarian mindset. The female body is made for love and choosing to say no to the pill allows her to appreciate her body and say yes to long term commitment and steadfast love.
Theology of the Body
John Paul II’s Theology of the Body unravels the beauty of what it means to be authentically human in a fallen world. It looks at human sexuality as central to the human vocation and integral to understanding the soul’s pursuit of happiness whether you are single, married, or a consecrated religious. This anthropological and theological look at the human person from the beginning of time reminds us that all are called to life giving self giving love because we are men and women created in the image and likeness of God.
A ProWoman ProLife Dialogue
The conversation surrounding abortion for years has centered around the the humanity of the unborn child. This talk focusses on the need to create a stronger dialogue articulating the challenge of the woman facing a sexualized culture in favor of abortion and contraception. It’s time to reclaim the dialogue and show that to be pro-life is a woman centered approach for the good of the woman and all of society. To be pro-life is to believe in real reproductive rights and that a woman’s fertility does not make her deficient nor in need of fixing.
Chastity in the Modern World
This talk is adapted to the age of the audience as it digs into the importance of Chastity as an integral part of the human person. The focus surrounds the general human vocation of Chastity as the life giving self giving love that all are called to and the dignity of the human person as created in the image and likeness of God. Key teaching centers around John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and Love and Responsibility.
A Mystery to be Revealed – Made in the Image of God
What does it means to be authentically human in a fallen world? Women will be able to identify how the types of friendships they have are meant to challenge and grow each person to take part in the higher calling of chastity and modesty. Here women will learn how interior beauty, self giving love, and authentic friendship can transform the space they live in.
The Choice of Today: The Sexual Crisis
This workshop dives into the sexualized culture young people face today and brings light to the beauty our Church offers regarding authentic human love. Key topics include: chastity, abortion, contraception, pornography, and Theology of the Body.
Women in the Modern World: True Femininity
This workshop is eye opening for all as it brings light to the issue of feminism confronting women in their earliest years with the crisis of self identity. As men and women created equally in the image and likeness of God, this workshop will bring into conversation modern issues of feminism and the rich teaching of the Church, which speak distinctly to the gifts women offer to the world through the feminine genius.
Navigating the Sexual Landscape
This presentation walks through the hypersexualized culture youth face through abortion, contraception, sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, and pornography. We will look at how parents can begin preparing the future generations for healthy and safe sexuality that is ordered toward authentic selfless love through the virtue of chastity.
Porn Proofing Your Home for Authentic Love
By the age of twelve 51% of boys and 32% of girls first view pornography. This presentation walks through the impact of pornography on our culture and how to begin teaching children how to think and take control of their passions. Timmerie will focus on enabling parents to create a healthy and safe sexual environment for the future generations from a young age.
Mother Daughter Femininity Talk
This talk provides a look into what it means to be a woman for both mothers and daughters. Femininity from a Catholic perspective is presented in a way that shows the importance of allowing who you are to come forth in every aspect of your life whether you’re 13 or 45.
Fact – Contraception Meet My Faith & Reason
This talk dives into the impact of contraception first on a natural biochemical level of the woman’s health and how it impacts her social environment. Second it bringing to light the rewarding transcendent teaching of the Church on contraception that is often misunderstood.
Dignity and Human Action
This talk touches on the inherent idea of human dignity and its integration on a basic human level. People are created with free will and the ability to direct themselves to their final end as persons created in the image and likeness of God. This talk challenges all to understand the value of human life and the ever great need to pursue a life of truth and faith.
Why Pro-Life: Abortion 101
This workshop explores the dignity of human life to help you better articulate your pro-life position from the perspective of both the baby and the mother. Here will be discussed fetal development and what takes place in the abortion industry. This is an opportunity to understand the fundamentals of abortion and bring solid and compassionate talking points into your conversations whether with a friend who disagrees or with someone facing a crisis pregnancy.
The Abortion Industry
This workshop gives an in depth look at the roots of the abortion industry to better understand what abortion is and how it impacts the culture to how to better engage in conversation on the topic.
*The Disciples Series *
Join Timmerie as she dives into the historical/Biblical accounts of Saint Mary Magdalen, Saint John, and Saint Peter. During this Lenten mission you will become familiar with the real people who were the closest to Christ. Each evening will include an in depth breakdown of Lectio Divina (divine reading) which will teach you how to pray with your Bibles on a regular basis. Bring your Bibles! (See below)
Saint Mary Magdalen – Bound to Jesus
In a modern culture where God is considered irrelevant, each of us find ourselves wandering. Where did Mary Magdalene go after her Lord was put to death? Where do you go now when Jesus has been put to death? Will you witness the resurrection or will you be bound to your past? After the resurrection, in the Gospel According to John, Jesus tells Mary “Do not hold me”. Why is this message relevant today? What do you need to let go of in order to allow the glory of Christ’s resurrection to be accomplished in you?
Saint John the Beloved & Faithful Apostle
One of the deepest longings of the human heart is to be loved unconditionally. To be accepted as you are. What makes us worthy of love? How is the apostle John’s story our same story as the beloved child of the Father? In this presentation we will dive into the Biblical life of Saint John – the only apostle who in complete fidelity stood at the Cross as Jesus died.
Peter the Courageous & Repentant
How often do we say, “Here I am, Lord. I come to do your will”? This should be our daily prayer, and yet even our dear first Pope, Saint Peter, struggled to live this out. A man with incredible courage abandoned Christ in His Passion, and because of his courage came back repentant. Do you find yourself crawling back to God time and time again seeking His forgiveness? This talk is about choosing to stand strong in the Father’s will. Looking to Saint Peter in Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospel of John, you will have an encounter with the person that will inspire you to the courageous sacrifice you long to live out. Bring your Bibles!
Parish Mission Topics
- Preparation for Death (on the topic of death, sin, and conversion)
- Becoming a Gift of Self
- On Mission: Called to Evangelization