100 Ways JP II Changed the World
Episode 251 · April 1st, 2020 · 48 mins 1 sec
About this Episode
Why is abortion a big debate during the Coronavirus? Timmerie discusses this and her love for Saint John Paul II. Timmerie is joined by guest Patrick Novocosky, author of the new book “100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World” They’ll discuss not only how this saint changed the world but also their lives and things such as religious liberty, the value of suffering, death, human dignity, athletes, theology of the body, sexuality, and more.
- Update, since recording this, the ebook is available. The hard copy publication date has been pushed out to October 2020.
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Solidarity HealthShare The solution you're looking for when it comes to affordable and quality healthcare.
An ethical solution to the healthcare crisis that is pro-life.
"Our goal at Solidarity HealthShare is simple: to help our members pay for affordable, quality healthcare by enabling our community to share in each other’s eligible medical expenses. With Solidarity, you choose the doctors that you want to see. Even integrative and alternative medical treatments are eligible for sharing and we are the only healthcare sharing ministry that shares in NaPro Technology and costs associated with Natural Family Planning. At Solidarity HealthShare, we are dedicated to our faith and committed to your care."
For more information visit SolidarityHealthShare.org.