How To Talk About Abortion
Episode 230 · January 22nd, 2020 · 48 mins
About this Episode
Learn how to effectively talk about abortion. Be equipped to respond to lifestyle trends that fuel a pro-abortion mindset. That includes talking about contraception and early abortion. Contraception, Plan B, and RU-486 are embedded in the culture as a lifestyle. You have to be willing to take on the uncomfortable conversations about sex, contraception, babies, and career. Learn to have the courage to speak when others won’t, even if it’s uncomfortable. Join Trending with Timmerie as she discusses Planned Parenthood, post abortion healing, Roe v. Wade, debate tactics, consent arguments, and more.
Don’t miss the upcoming episode with associate Marriage and Family Therapist Michael Gasparro where they talk about contraception, sex, and more to help you confront the culture. Episode 231 available January 24.
Host Timmerie to run a workshopin your area on topics like pro-life answers to pro-abortion arguments or how to oppose contraception
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Solidarity HealthShare The solution you're looking for when it comes to affordable and quality healthcare.
An ethical solution to the healthcare crisis that is pro-life.
"Our goal at Solidarity HealthShare is simple: to help our members pay for affordable, quality healthcare by enabling our community to share in each other’s eligible medical expenses. With Solidarity, you choose the doctors that you want to see. Even integrative and alternative medical treatments are eligible for sharing and we are the only healthcare sharing ministry that shares in NaPro Technology and costs associated with Natural Family Planning. At Solidarity HealthShare, we are dedicated to our faith and committed to your care."
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